About Tiger DADS
This volunteer program is designed for positive male role models to participate in the learning environment and have a presence on the elementary campus. This also provides an extra layer of security for the campus and is an opportunity to make an impact on students’ lives. Tiger DADS can be fathers, grandfathers, uncles, or other father figures.
Tiger DADS will sign up for a day to spend on the campus and will receive a customized schedule for their day. They will interact with students throughout the campus and support classroom activities. While it may seem like a big commitment to spend an entire day at school, we are confident that this special day-long experience will be fun and rewarding for both the DADS and the students that they interact with.
To participate in Tiger DADS, volunteers must:
Register with Inspiring Volunteers (DSISD's background check/volunteer management program)
Attend or view the Tiger Dads Training on Sunday Sept 15th at 3pm at CSE
Sign Up to be Tiger Dad of the Day
Show Up for your scheduled day wearing your Tiger Dads shirt.
For more info:
Email CSESTigerDads@gmail.com
Follow CSES Tiger Dads on Facebook