Upcoming Opportunities
Sign up to get notified of volunteer opportunities here:
or mark your calendars now for these dates throughout the year:
September 24-26 - Fall STEAM Challenges
October 24 - Fall Fun Fest
Oct 28 - Nov 11 - Fall Book Fair
January 15 -16 - Spelling Bee
Feb 3-4 - Spring Picture Day
February 3-7 - Spring STEAM Challenges
February 6 - Talent Show
March 3-14 - Jump for Cypress
March 31-April 11- Spring Book Fair
We could also use teams and leads to support our bigger initiatives throughout the year such as Fall Fun Fest, STEAM Appreciation, Jump for Cypress, and the Talent show.
If you are interested in joining a team please email a board member in that area
Special Teams
Room Parents assist classroom teachers by facilitating communication and coordinating parent support for specific activities such as class parties, field trips, volunteer opportunities. Click here for more info. Room Parent Training is Sept 17th at 9:00 AM
The Tiger Dads program encourages dads and dads-at-heart to participate in the learning environment and have a presence on the elementary campus as positive male role models.
The Habit Heroes program is a brand new program geared towards all working parents. If you are looking for a chance to volunteer at the school without making it a full time commitment this might be what you're looking for!
Subs-R-Us are volunteers who come to campus to spend up to 3 hours in the classroom, to allow the teacher time to have on-campus meetings, or planning time. Subs-R-Us Training is Sept 9th at 8 AM (after the PTA Meeting).
Inspiring Volunteers
DSISD is excited to introduce their new online volunteer program, Inspiring Volunteers. All campus volunteers MUST register with Inspiring Volunteers ahead of time.
Please go to dsisd.ezcommunicator.net to start the registration process. By registering, you are agreeing to follow the guidelines & expectations as described in Inspiring Volunteers -- Guidelines and Expectations, and authorizing DSISD to conduct a background check required for all volunteers.
For more info, visit the DSISD Volunteering page.
Volunteer Interest form
Please complete the form below if you would like to be contacted for specific volunteer opportunities.