Tiger Tales: Week Ahead

HELLO!! Welcome to the brand new LIVE Newsletter. We plan to keep this up to date with all of the events happening and engagement or volunteer opportunities coming up. 

This Week:

Missed ordering Yearbook?!

We have extras! You can purchase a yearbook via Andrea at the front desk for $40. Payment by check only and please make the check out to CSE PTA. Its first come, first serve and there will be no holds.

Digital Calendar

We've loaded all the events for next year into our digital calendar that you can add to your phone/computer calendar from here to keep you in the loop for all of the events and volunteer opportunities coming up at CSE.

We've also added a feed to the homepage of the CSE PTA Website to keep you updated there as well.

This Month:

Meet your 2024/25 CSE PTA Board:

Congratulations to our new:

President:  Wanda Vazquez

Secretary:  Julie Minnick

Treasurer:  Carrie Semple

VP Membership:  Misha Sherman

VP Fundraising:  Katie Zasowski

VP Hospitality:  Carmen Garza

VP Programs:  Regan Ghezzi 

VP Enrichments:  Alicia Lemon

Communications: Reese Schmit

Parliamentarian: Leslie Anderson

Council Rep: Charlotte Prahl

Council Rep: Kristen Cole

If you are interested in joining in any of the appointed positions of Communications, Parliamentarian, or Council Rep, please reach out to Wanda (currently: hospitality@csepta.org

If you have any questions about the PTA Board or the nominating process, please do not hesitate to email the Nominating Committee at nominations@csepta.org.
